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Friday 18 March 2011

Welsh Women Mean Business

Wow - I am still reeling from having been fortunate enough to have won the WWMB Best Woman in Manufacturing Award a week ago in the Vale. When I saw the other finalists in the category my heart sank as I lost hope momentarily that it was just feasible I may win!! So, when I heard my name I thought I was delirious & imagining things but then I saw my name & picture on the screen & it hit me. At this point I started shaking & my legs decided they wouldn't work. Mr D, god bless him, helped me to my feet & I realised why I always wear flatties not heels as suddenly the walk to the stage seemed like another trip up Mt Kilimanjaro! I made it & was thrilled to have won, but shock was the overwhelming emotion. I was so grateful of the 3 categories announced and so standing on the pods (mini podiums if like me you din't have a scooby) I was the last so I didn't have to stand there like a lemon waiting on the other awards being given out!
The whole evening was truly inspirational - the atmosphere was one of celebration of all the wonderful achievements women in Wales are behind. Not anti-men in any way, just a celebration of what we women have achieved and perhaps more importantly, given back over the previous year.  And I thank Sarah for her uplifting video of the work The Joshua Foundation do, truly amazing kids with terminal illnesses having fun & creating happy memories for their families in the process. Amazing work & over the years Sarah & Ben have raised a phenominal amount & helped so many families. They turned their loss into a positive by improving the lives terminally ill kids enjoy & facilitating trips of a lifetime to leave happy memories when the inevitable happens.
Each one of the judges I was interviewed by (a panel of 5 - quite scary if, like me, you've avoided the boardroom for over 10 years!) was inspirational in their own way & I'd particularly like to thanks the lovely Jean Church for making me relax & feel at ease. It wasn't an auspicious start - I was asked to move my car from the carpark (which was full of empty spaces?!!), couldn't get into the building,eventually snook in behind an unsuspecting employee & then didn't know where to go to say I'd arrived...........didn't do a great deal for the nerves! I would have loved to chat to the judges about their stories and what has motivated them & made them so successful by the end! I'd enjoyed the interview & was actually sad it had to end when it did. I was honest about enjoying it but felt that I was too soft & into voluntary work to be considered a decent 'businesswoman' - if it was all down to bottom-line, I dare say I wouldn't have won! I find this refreshing & reaffirming that even in the depths of a recession, being a decent human being is valued as much as turnover & profits. That, more than anything, has given me a real boost & stronger commitment to grow the business whilst not loosing the balance I enjoy in my life.
The Vale was a great venue, lovely drinks reception where I was pleased to bump into some familiar faces & meet some new wonderful women I hope to see more of. We all have so much to offer in our own different ways - I hope that WWMB goes from strength to strength & inspires other young women (in terms of company years in business not actual age of entrepreneur!!) to set up and grow businesses that they are truly passionate about.
Thanks to judges, Sarah, Ben & team, fellow finalists & fellow Popettes for a wonderful evening.